Monday, September 27, 2010

Program Leaders launch their new blog!

The Program Leaders at Pride for Youth in Bellmore, NY are excited to launch this blog as a way of networking with others and addressing the sexual health concerns of LGBT youth and their straight allies. What are Program Leaders, you ask? Well, they are teenagers just like you, who work to educate their peers in Nassau County on such topics as HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, STI/STD’s and homophobia. They visit local GSA’s and other youth groups in order to spread education and awareness on these issues. They also collaborate, in an Adult/Youth Consortium, with a group of adults who are interested in generating change in our community with regard to the needs and concerns of LGBT youth. Program Leaders also assist with Pride for Youth’s Mpowerment program. The Mpowerment Program works with young men individually, in groups and through community outreach and events to provide opportunities for these young men to socialize and develop supportive relationships, and also become educated on HIV/STD prevention and safer sex. And last but not least, they will be updating and maintaining their new blog! They will be writing on a variety of subjects related to LGBT youth, from current issues in the media and political concerns to local events and updates on what we are doing at Pride for Youth. A particular focus of their blog postings will be to educate LGBT youth on all aspects of sexual health and healthy decision making. They welcome questions, particularly related to sexual health and the coming out process. If you have a question or comment or want to “friend” us, visit their page on Livejournal at You may also visit our page on Facebook at!/profile.php?id=100001422798770. You must attend at least one Coffeehouse on a Friday night at Pride for Youth before they will accept your friend request. Anyone, regardless of their “friend status” is encouraged to email them with questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you! Keep an eye out! Our Program Leader’s profiles are coming soon!

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